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The PreTeXt Guide

Chapter 18 Renaming Elements

The preceding sections have provided a lengthy list of PreTeXt tags that behave interchangeably. Perhaps you don’t like one of their names. For instance, suppose your project will not involve any <algorithm>s, but you need another theorem-like tag whose name you would like to have rendered as “Porism”. To do this, you need to add a <rename> element to the <docinfo> element of your code. For our example, the necessary code would be <rename element="algorithm">Porism</rename>. A <rename> element generates a global change; it is not possible to rename a single instance of an element or to define your own tags (without writing your own XSLT code.
We have included this <rename> code in this guide’s <docinfo>, and as such, we can do the following.
      This is a short little ditty that follows immediately from the previous proof.

      We'll still include a proof though.
Listing 18.0.1. A porism generated using <algorithm> and <rename>
The code in Listing 18.0.1 produces the following output:
We’ll still include a proof though.

A special note about renaming <exercise>s.

Because of the range of divisions that can contain an <exercise> element with different names displayed (such as “Checkpoint” for an inline exercise), one cannot simply use @element with value exercise in a <rename> element. The value of @element to rename an <exercise> is as follows:
  • divisionalexercise for an <exercise> inside <exercises>, <subexercises>, or <exercisegroup> with default “Exercise”
  • inlineexercise for an inline exerise with default “Checkpoint”
  • worksheetexercise for an <exercise> contained in a <worksheet> with default “Worksheet Exercise”
  • readingquestion for an <exercise> contained in a <reading-questions> with default “Reading Question”