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The PreTeXt Guide

Subsection 4.1.7 Other Markup in Paragraphs

<today/>, <timeofday/>, September 14, 2023, 14:24:24 (Z).

Values at the time of XML processing. Useful for marking drafts or other frequently revised material such as online versions.

<tex/>, <latex/>, <xetex/>, <xelatex/>, <pretext/>, <webwork/>, , , XeTeX, XeLaTeX, PreTeXt, WeBWorK.

Conveniences for frequently-mentioned accessories to PreTeXt.

<fillin/>, , fill-in blank.

A “fill in the blank” blank. May be used in normal text or within mathematics contexts. The @characters attribute may be used to hint at how long the line will be. Here we have set @characters to the value 5.
If used inside math, a @fill attribute (in lieu of @characters) may be some string of math that will be used to determine width, height, and depth of the blank. In text, the default value of 10 is used for @characters. In math, the default value of XXX is used for @fill.
If used in normal text, a @rows and/or @cols attribute may be present, each a positive integer. When either is greater than one, there will be an indication that the expected content to fill in the blank is a @rows × @cols array.

<ie/>, <eg/>, <ca/>, <vs/>, <etc/>, i.e., e.g., ca., vs., etc..

A small collection of frequently-used Latin abbreviations, with attempts to handle the tricky periods wisely in output. Strictly speaking BC is not Latin, but we include it for completeness. Tags are always lowercase, no punctuation, usually two letters.
Tag Realization Meaning
ad AD anno Domini, in the year of the Lord
am AM ante meridiem, before midday
bc BC English, before Christ
ca ca. circa, about
eg e.g. exempli gratia, for example
etal et al. et alia, and others
etc etc. et caetera, and the rest
ie i.e. id est, in other words
nb NB nota bene, note well
pm PM post meridiem, after midday
ps PS post scriptum, after what has been written
vs vs. versus, against
viz viz. videlicet, namely

SI Units.

Système international (d’unités) (International System of Units) is a system of measurement used universally in science. PreTeXt has comprehensive support for this system and its notation and abbreviations. See Section 3.26 for a short introduction and Section 4.31 for detailed descriptions of the relevant elements and their use.

𝄪, ♯, ♮, ♭, 𝄫, music notation.

Notes, chords, and other notation may appear within sentences as part of a discussion. See Section 4.30 for detailed descriptions of the relevant elements.