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The PreTeXt Guide

Subsection 4.29.4 YouTube Videos

For a video hosted at YouTube, find the 11-character identification string in the address of a video you are viewing. It will look something like hAzdgU_kpGo. Then, instead of the @source attribute, simply provide this identification string as the @youtube attribute, such as
That’s it. All of the options above are then implemented and realized with YouTube’s embedded player.
This can be a great way to incorporate popular or artistic content, legally, which might be difficult or costly to acquire through copyright clearance.
Figure The Eagles, “Hotel California”
Figure Mozart, Piano Sonata in C Major, K. 545, II
The pretext script (Chapter 47) may be used to download the provided preview images for YouTube videos (only). Filenames will be formed from the @xml:id of the <video> element. These will be used in static versions of output, such as print. Once custom preview images are implemented for author-hosted video, their static representation will improve.
Additionally, a YouTube playlist can be included in one of two ways. You may set the @youtube attribute to be a space-separated list of several video IDs (an “itemized” playlist). Alternatively, you may set the @youtubeplaylist attribute to a YouTube playlist ID (a “named” playlist). At present, a named playlist will not get a thumbnail image from Youtube, and either the “generic” thumbnail will be used or you can supply your own @preview.
Figure YouTube Playlist
Make a feature-request if a scheme similar to the one for YouTube, but for some other video-hosting service, would be useful for your project.
Note that when a project is hosted at Runestone Academy (Chapter 32) a YouTube video becomes an activity that is part of a student’s reading assignement. So just like an interactive exercise, it needs a @label attribute. See Best Practice for more.